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Guidelines for Session and Workshop Proposal Submission

Submission, Deadline

  • Proposals have to be submitted exclusively online.
  • Proposals received after 7 February 2019 23:59:00 CET cannot be considered.
  • Alterations and corrections may be executed previous to the deadline.

Size, Content

  • Include an informative title – formulated as a brief question – and a short abstract of no more than 2000 characters. Abstracts exceeding this limit cannot be considered. The text has to be orthographically suitable for publishing.
  • Identify one principal chair as the lead contact for the ICRS 2020 organising committee. Only one session proposal and only one workshop proposal can be submitted by a principal chair.
  • For session proposals, identify at least two, but no more than four co-chairs and provide their name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information. For workshop proposals, co-chairs are not required and cannot exceed four per workshop. Co-chairs are limited to one session and one workshop. Proposals submitted in the name of an organisation or enterprise cannot be considered.
  • Include information about expected audience in terms of size and discipline(s). For workshop proposals, please also indicated the expected duration and if the event will be open to registered delegates or closed (“by invitation only”).
  • The usage of special formatting should be limited. The correct replication in all media cannot be guaranteed.
  • Proposals must be submitted in English.

Review, Registration

  • Decision on acceptance of session and workshop proposals will be taken by the ICRS 2020 organising committee during a retreat in spring 2019. Interdisciplinary session proposals by co-chairs from different countries and/or institutions will be given precedence. The organizing committee may merge proposed sessions that have highly similar themes.
  • Decisions will be communicated to the principal session chairs by 30 April 2019 so that abstract submission is open between 1 July 2019 and 1 September 2019. Session chairs will need to complete the abstract selection by 31 October 2019.
  • Chairs review abstracts within their session and accept submissions as oral or poster presentations. The number of oral presentations presented by any particular institution should not exceed 2 talks per session. In their selection, session chairs consider gender issues and keep a balanced share of student presentations.

Conditions, Requirements

  • Please do not submit a proposal if you are uncertain that you will be able to organise and run the session or workshop as this may cause severe disruption to conference planning.
  • While session chairs are encouraged to invite contributions to their sessions through their networks, all abstract submissions will be handled through the ICRS 2020 online submission system. All sessions will be publicly open for submissions.
  • Sessions consist of oral and/or poster presentations. Oral presentations will likely last for 12 min, followed by 2 min for questions, and 1 min for transfer to the next speaker. It is further planned that recent ISRS awardees are invited to give key note presentations in appropriate sessions.
  • Session chairs are encouraged to reserve a dedicated slot (15 min) at the end of their session to summarize, discuss, and conclude key session findings. Active participation of session speakers in this discussion should be facilitated by the chairs.
  • Chairs are also encouraged to publish synopsis papers in the ICRS 2020 conference proceedings. Synopsis papers should be submitted by 10 September 2020.
  • Workshops intended as contributions to the ICRS 2020 scientific program and open to participation by registered delegates will be free of room rental fees. The maximum number of participants for each workshop will be defined by room capacity and requirements of the respective workshop organisers. In case of workshop overbookings, organisers may select from the group of interested participants. For closed events (workshops/meetings) beyond the scientific program, fees for room rental, depending on event duration, and additional booked services will be charged. Please contact us for your specific requirements. Participants of closed events are also required to register for ICRS 2020.
  • ICRS 2020 organisers cannot provide financial support towards session or speaker costs. Chairs of accepted sessions or workshops fund their own registration, travel and accommodation costs.